Home and Hobby Bundle 2

Hours: 160 / Access Length: 180 Days / Delivery: Online, Self-Paced
Retail Price: $209.00

Course Overview:


In a fast paced work dominated world, research is demonstrating that those who are able to balance their stress levels and engage with pleasurable activities have better coping skills! These bundles focus on gaining new skills which may help individuals turn a hobby into a business! If you have a passion for food and wine, people and creative hobbies, would like to learn all things cats and dogs, through  to performing arts and appreciation for music, flowers and creative arts , you are sure to find a fit for your interests.

The Home and Hobby Bundle 2 Course Bundle includes the following courses:
  • Painting
  • Acting and Theatre
  • Cat Care
  • Dog care, Nutrition and Grooming
  • Practical Guitar

Course Outline:

Painting Curriculum:

Key Learning Objectives:
  • How to paint using naturalistic, expressive and experimental styles
  • How to create still life, landscape and portrait paintings
  • How to use mediums such as acrylic and watercolour paint
  • How to use visual literacy to interpret artworks
  • How to use the creative process to create original ideas
Module 1, Lesson 1: Ready, Set, Paint!   

In this lesson we'll discuss the wonderful medium of painting and why people love it so much! I'll show you the basic tools and techniques you'll need for this course as well as how to create a small-scale painting using those skills. Finally, we'll get inspired by looking at the different styles and genres of painting.

Module 1, Lesson 2: Walk & Talk Like an Artist   

In this lesson you will learn what visual literacy is and why it is an essential skill for any artist to have. We will then analyze different still life compositions, practice blocking-in and discuss a wider range of painting tools.

Module 1, Lesson 3: Introduction to Still Life       

In this lesson you will start your still life artwork! We will do this by using a gridded reference and creating an underdrawing on canvas. We will also look at the history of still life painting and discover why this genre is essential for learning how to paint in naturalistic style.

Module 1, Lesson 4: Tone is Your Friend

In this lesson you will learn how shadow and lighting is essential to a still life painting. We will then add tone to your artwork to unify and dramatize your still life

Module 1, Lesson 5: Creating Color 101 

In this lesson you will learn how to add different colors to your still life and how to choose colors that go well together. In order to do this we will discuss the essentials of color theory. You will also learn how to mix color using a limited amount of paint tubes.

Module 1, Lesson 6: Blending, Building & Finishing           

In this lesson you will learn how give your still life a believable and smooth look by blending different areas of colors. You will also learn how to paint more confidently as you build layers from thin to thick, as well as how to add the finishing details to your artwork.

Module 1, Lesson 7: Still Life Re-imagined            

In this lesson you have a chance to rethink the genre of still life and try a brand new approach. This will be achieved by applying the concepts of complexity, creativity and elegance. We will end by creating a shadow box and shooting new photo reference for your final project.

Module 1, Lesson 8: Risk & Reward         

In this lesson you will learn how to develop and execute your idea for a complex still life! Some of the skills you will learn include basic photo editing, how to draw irregular and organic forms, and how to build up and finish a complex still life.

Module 2, Lesson 1: Lovely Landscapes 

Welcome to the genre of landscape painting! In this lesson we will contextualize the genre of landscape painting, look at a brief history of landscape painting, consider compositional guidelines and learn how to create your own landscape compositional sketch.

Module 2, Lesson 2: Into the Plein Air!   

Let's get outdoors with plein air watercolor painting! This lesson I will show you how to prepare and pack for outdoor painting, as well as the tools, materials and techniques you will need to create your own artwork.

Module 2, Lesson 3: Landscape Photography

Let's get outdoors again and explore different locations for shooting photographic reference! We will look at how to use dynamics of lighting, atmosphere and weather to your advantage as well as how to do edit RAW photos on Photoshop.

Module 2, Lesson 4: Large-scale Landscape Part 1             

Let's go big! In this lesson we will explore the advantages are working on a large scale and also what techniques and tools work best when painting at this size.

Module 2, Lesson 5: Large-scale Landscape Part 2             

While it might seem easy to start a big painting, it requires perseverance and planning when it comes to finishing it. Join me as we take on this challenge together.

Module 2, Lesson 6: Cloudy with a Chance of Paint Tubes             

In this lesson we will focus on the genre of cloudscapes, how to use atmospheric painting techniques such as scumbling and how to create your own cloudscape painting!

Module 2, Lesson 7: Contemporary Craziness     

This lesson is all about thinking outside of the box! Contemporary art offers a wide variety of approaches to landscape painting, giving you the opportunity to experiment with a new unique style.

Module 2, Lesson 8: Get Your Style On   

In this lesson I will you take you through the process of executing a contemporary-style landscape painting.

Module 3, Lesson 1: The Power of Portraits         

From the beginning of time people have created images of themselves! In this lesson we will look at the characteristics of portraiture as well as analyzing some of the most famous portraits in history.

Module 3, Lesson 2: Face Time  

They say you never forget a face! Remember that every face has a unique personality and variety of shapes that requires careful observation. Starting with an accurate underdrawing, we will paint and finish our own close-up portrait.

Module 3, Lesson 3: Dress for Success   

They say 'you are what you wear'. Clothes give character to a sitter and create interest through tonal variety, texture and subtlety. Join me this lesson as we look at how to paint clothes in a naturalistic style.

Module 3, Lesson 4: Lights, Camera, Action         

It's time to get out your camera, find a model and start shooting! This lesson will cover how to setup a basic photo shoot and how to create a stunning and atmospheric portrait photo. This will be used for your painting next lesson.

Module 3, Lesson 5: Chasing Shadows Part 1       

Let's get back onto the canvas! In this lesson, we will learn about using dramatic shadow & lighting as we start a head & shoulders portrait.

Module 3, Lesson 6: Chasing Shadows Part 2       

In this lesson we will complete our naturalistic head & shoulders portrait! We will also look at some celebrity portraits that went wrong as well a few danger areas to avoid when it comes to naturalistic portraiture.

Module 3, Lesson 7: Fauvist Fever           

This lesson we will explore the extremities of color by looking at the movement of Fauvism and how to create your own expressive portrait.

Module 3, Lesson 8: Crazy Color

Let's finish with a bang as we look at advanced color theory and complete a full-size Fauvist-inspired portrait painting!

Module 4, Lesson 1: Bring out the Straight Jacket             

This lesson is all about simplicity, hard edges and exact lines, the belief that 'less is more'. This seems opposite to the idea of personal expression, but I'll show you how to make this style creative and meaningful!

Module 4, Lesson 2: Abstracting Emotions           

Let's dive into the world of Abstract Expressionism, which is full of swirling emotion and expressive mark making! This lesson we will explore the technique behind this spontaneous style.

Module 4, Lesson 3: Carving It up With Cubism  

Get ready for some serious fragmentation! Cubism is about playing with space and breaking the rules of perspective. The result is off-beat but extremely interesting.

Module 4, Lesson 4: Strangely Surreal Part 1       

There are few things as strange as the style of Surrealism. Don't let its dream-like playfulness fool you, this is a technically precise and exact style! This lesson you will learn how to create your own Surrealist composition.

Module 4, Lesson 5: Strangely Surreal Part 2

This lesson we will complete our own Surrealist painting. We will also look at the work of Dali and Magritte as a way of sparking our creativity and thought process.

Acting and Theatre Curriculum:

Key Learning Objectives:
  • Understand key acting theories and how to apply them
  • Analyse a script in order to create a character
  • Build and portray a believable and interesting dramatic character
  • Practical skills for creating and performing comedic characters
  • Improvise and workshop characters, scenes and scripts
Module 1, Lesson 1: Lights, Camera, Action!             

In this lesson we will start with the most basic principle of acting namely how to relax and breathe correctly. We will then try our hand at physicality on stage/camera and discover the key to doing this believably. The students will choose a monologue which they will be working on for the next 7 weeks. At the end of the lesson, the students will have practically tried and failed and tried and succeeded at doing a few physical exercises on camera.

Module 1, Lesson 2: What's My Motivation?            

It is time to elaborate on breathing and incorporate effective voice production. We will then explore our thinking patterns and take a look at how to harness them to add to and not subtract from our performances. By the end of the lesson you will have discovered through trial and error how your thinking influences your monologue performance.

Module 1, Lesson 3: Given the circumstances          

Learn some relaxation exercises to reduce tension in the voice before we move on to your monologues. We will now start analyzing the given circumstances of the scene and explore how they influence the interpretation of the written text. We will read between the lines and discover how this new understanding changes our monologue performance at this stage.

Module 1, Lesson 4: Magic IF           

Now for some relaxation exercises for the body and then we will venture into the creative land of the Magic IF. This is the hinge on which most of our character development will hang.

Module 1, Lesson 5: It's logical dear!            

Lesson 5 starts off with focusing on the muscles of the face and the articulation organs. We learn to better control them and how to eliminate undue stress. Then we move on to exploring the concept of logic and how it comes to bear on my creative process.

Module 1, Lesson 6: Don't fake it till you make it     

This lesson starts off with warm-up and relaxation exercises and then we explore the emotions behind the words of our monologues until we come up with creative thoughts that enable us to portray them authentically.

Module 1, Lesson 7: Imagination: Character acting 

We warm-up with fun theatre games and then we move on to deepening the attributes of our monologue character with the use of our imagination.

Module 1, Lesson 8: Genre

After our warm-up in this lesson, we jump back into our monologue and explore the setting and background using our imaginations and the other tools learnt so far. After this lesson and only if you decide to continue to Module 2 will you gain access to upload your final recorded monologues to the Facebook group for alumni and to give and receive feedback.

Module 2, Lesson 1: Stanislavski vs Meisner 

We will be applying the physical technique from Module 1 to everything we explore in this Module. In this lesson we will take a look at the key similarities between these 2 techniques and finding ways to apply them to arrive at a deeper interpretation of the work.

Module 2, Lesson 2: Memorization  

In this lesson we will focus on various methods of learning lines. We will take a look at what some famous people do and discover what works for us.

Module 2, Lesson 3: Focus - Circles of Attention and Public Solitude  

Stanislavski devised a language for focusing on stage and this technique is explored and applied. This is the second part of Stanislavski's system that centers on focus on stage or camera. By the end of this lesson, you will have an excellent understanding of how to remain focused on stage or camera.

Module 2, Lesson 4: Truth and Belief

In this lesson we will explore the elements that seem to make a scene and a performance seem truthful and how we can make ourselves and the audience believe in what we are doing.

Module 2, Lesson 5: Communion      

Communion refers to the chemistry that develops among the actors in a scene and also how the audience is included in that communion. We will explore how to create and sustain that, in this lesson.

Module 2, Lesson 6: Adaptation        

These elements drive the tension in a scene and we will dissect how they function and find a workable method of application.

Module 2, Lesson 7: Emotion memory            

These elements drive the tension in a scene and we will dissect how they function and find a workable method of application.

Module 2, Lesson 8: Units and objectives      

Every story is divided into units and objective. Learn how to break a script down into units and to discover the objective of each unit.

Module 3, Lesson 1: What is funny?             

This lesson will start our journey of discovering comedy. We will look at the history of comedy as well as what makes things funny. We are also going to discover the first comedic archetype and how this character operates.

Module 3, Lesson 2: How sitcoms work Part 1          

In this lesson we will discover the history behind sitcoms and then start delving into the technique behind them. We will then look at the second archetype of comedic characters.

Module 3, Lesson 3: How sitcoms work Part 2          

You will learn what the universal structure is of jokes and then you will explore the second set of sitcom techniques. You will also discover the third archetype of comedic characters.

Module 3, Lesson 4: Comedy Acting Technique Part 1           

It is time to discover how acting technique is applies specifically to comedy. We will also recap some acting techniques and top it off with discovering the fourth comedy character archetype.

Module 3, Lesson 5: Comedy Acting Technique Part 2           

Here we continue learning how acting technique is applies specifically to comedy. We will recap the relevant acting techniques and discover the fifth comedy character archetype.

Module 3, Lesson 6: Film and Comedy        

Here we are going to look at comedy in film and how that differs from the other mediums. We will then review the relevant acting techniques and apply them. Finally, we will discover the sixth comedy character archetype.

Module 3, Lesson 7: Stage and Comedy      

In this lesson we will look at stage comedy and how that is unique to other mediums. We will review the relevant acting techniques and apply them and then we will discover the seventh archetype of comedy acting.

Module 3, Lesson 8: Stand-up comedy        

We end of this module by looking at stand-up comedy and how that operates. We will review the relevant acting techniques and apply them and then we will discover the eighth archetype of comedy acting.

Module 4, Lesson 1: Improv History and Types        

In this introductory lesson we are going to explore the concept of improvisation, look at where it comes from and discover some of its uses.

Module 4, Lesson 2: Improv Technique - Openers  

Discover and explore other uses for improv and we learn the opening elements of improv technique.

Module 4, Lesson 3: Improv Technique - Movement Part 1 

Improvisations around movement on stage or camera help us discover and explore their applications in characterization.

Module 4, Lesson 4: Improv Technique - Movement, Part 2

Improvisations around movement on stage or camera help us discover and explore their applications in characterization.

Module 4, Lesson 5: Improv Technique - Inner-life Part 1     

These improvisations have countless applications for us as professional actors. We will discover how to apply these improv exercises to discover and practice our character's thoughts and feelings.

Module 4, Lesson 6: Improv Technique - Inner-life, Part 2   

These improvisations have countless applications for us as professional actors. We will discover how to apply these improv exercises to discover and practice our character's thoughts and feelings.

Module 4, Lesson 7: Workshopping a Scene             

Using the same elements to unlock creativity for crafting scenes is our project in this lesson.

Module 4, Lesson 8: Workshopping Comedy            

The contribution of workshopping technique to developing comedy is investigated and put into effect in this lesson.

Cat Care Curriculum:

Key Learning Objectives:
  • Why cats and how are they good for your health? What makes them so special? Information on origin, domestication and their journey on becoming one of the world's favorite pets.
  • Guidelines to properly care for your kitten/cat, the importance of sterilization, obesity and prevention, indoor vs outdoor, allergies etc. to empower individuals to have enough knowledge to be a responsible and knowledgeable pet owner.
  • Advice on proper nutrition, exercise, garden/plants, toys and enrichment, physical care and proper handling.
  • Having a full background on development, anatomy, senses and traits will assist in understanding your cat, different temperaments and breeds.
  • The course will help you to obtain the proper knowledge to know and understand cats. This can assist in detecting illnesses to enable you to act quickly in case of emergency. Information on proper care for your cat until she reaches an old age and support on how to proceed should your feline have used her nine lives.
Module 1, Lesson 1: Cats are good for your health            

During this lesson, we will explore the benefits of having cats, rediscover why cats are good for your family and their health, and establish the therapeutic value of having a cat.

Module 1, Lesson 2: Cat out of the bag  

During this lesson, we will recognize the origin and domestication of cats, discuss and elaborate on their origin and evolution and discover how hunters became human companions.

Module 1, Lesson 3: The Perfect Companion       

During this lesson, we will learn how to choose between a kitten or adult cat and investigate the differences between pedigree cats and rescue or mixed breed cats.

Module 1, Lesson 4: Cat-proof Your Home           

During this lesson, we will:- Make recommendations on how to get your home cat-safe and cat-friendly- identify the essentials needed - Outline what you need for your kitten's nursery

Module 1, Lesson 5: Welcome home, kitty           

During this lesson we will clarify how to transport your feline to her new home, explain how to settle her into her new home, and how to create a safe haven. Get your cat home safely, settling her in in her safe space.

Module 1, Lesson 6: Bless you! Cats and your allergies    

During this lesson, we will: - Specify the allergy symptoms in humans caused by cats - Discuss treatment options - List hypoallergenic cat breeds

Module 1, Lesson 7: Nothing to sneeze at            

In this lesson we'll look all the ways that allergies can affect your cat and how we can treat them.

Module 1, Lesson 8: Nine Lives and a Sixth Sense              

This lesson is packed full of fun facts about felines to give you a little break from the dense and intense lessons in this module. We'll look at interesting physical facts, spooky myths about black cats, and medical myths surrounding cats, pregnant women, and babies.

Module 2, Lesson 1: Caring For Your Kitten          

In this lesson, we will: -Determine feeding guidelines - Address vaccinations and sterilization - Explain the importance of adequate entertainment/exercise

Module 2, Lesson 2: Feline Fun 

There so many great ways to keep your cat stimulated and entertained. Let's take a look at all the ways we can play with them, and how to encourage independent play.

Module 2, Lesson 3: Good Nutrition        

Want to make sure that your cat stays fit and healthy? In lesson 3 we'll find out exactly what we should be feeding our feline friends to keep them at their best.

Module 2, Lesson 4: Obesity      

In this lesson we'll discuss the causes and treatments for obesity in cats. We'll take an in-depth look at the dangers of obesity and how you can help keep your cat at a healthy weight.

Module 2, Lesson 5: Indoor Cats

Lesson five is all about giving your indoor-only cat the best possible life. We'll learn how to keep them stimulated and happy, while simultaneously keeping them safe from the dangers outside.

Module 2, Lesson 6: Challenging Cats     

Not all cats are the sweet little angels we had hoped they would be. In this lesson we'll discuss behavioral problems and how to handle them.

Module 2, Lesson 7: Outdoor kitty           

Decision time: will your cat be an indoor-only cat? Reasons why you should consider with pros and cons. Balance is a bit of both - let's look at the pros and cons of cats having access to the outdoors.

Module 2, Lesson 8: A garden for your cat?          

This lesson explores how to create a perfect cat garden. We take a look at ideal and non ideal plants for your furry friend and how to design a garden to both your budget and your cats needs

Dog Care, Grooming and Nutrition Curriculum:

Key Learning Objectives:
  • Dog grooming overview
  • Equipment use and dog handling
  • Health assessments, common health issues and dog nutrition.
  • Basic grooming and style grooming according to specific breeds
  • Set-up and running of their own Doggy Parlor
Module 1, Lesson 1: So you like dogs?    

During your first lesson, you will learn the benefits of professional dog grooming and why regular grooming is important. You will be introduced to the variety of dog breeds from around the world and some interesting facts about them. You will learn about common health issues that are present in some breeds and I will teach you the basics of a dog's anatomy with some very interesting facts.

Module 1, Lesson 2: Let's dig into it         

All dog breeds are divided into 7 groups which we will discuss during this lesson and which type of dog breed will suit you the best. Next, we will delve into common illnesses and diseases that may arise and we will touch on the subject of dog nutrition and how to ensure that your dog gets the nutrition it needs.

Module 1, Lesson 3: Equip yourself         

In this lesson, we will discuss how to create a safe working environment and because you are working with a live animal it is important to take measures to protect yourself as a groomer and you will also be introduced to the variety of equipment needed to groom and   the maintenance thereof. We will also discuss the important factors about caring for a dog.

Module 1, Lesson 4: Doggy body language           

Being a dog groomer you will be handling different types of dogs from nervous dogs, aggressive dog, disable dog etc. In this lesson, you will learn how to read a dog's body language and to approach different dogs in a relevant manner and  shown how to handle them while grooming.

Module 1, Lesson 5: Let me take a look at that   

In lesson 5 “Let me take a look at that” you will learn how to conduct a full pre-grooming inspection by checking your dog’s appearance, body language, coat condition and overall health. I will teach you various techniques such as removing certain matters from a dog's coat. We shall discuss wide-ranging factors that affect the coat condition and the grooming process.

Module 1, Lesson 6: Hair, Hair, EVERYWHERE      

During lesson 6 called "Hair, hair, everywhere” you will study the 7 different types of dog coats and how to maintain it by using certain equipment and techniques. The nutritional information in this section includes all aspects of how to improve the condition of their coats.

Module 1, Lesson 7: Rub-a-dub-dub in the tub   

Lesson 7 educates you on the correct methods and techniques on how to brush and bath your dog to achieve maximum results. Demonstration videos will be used in this lesson to guide and inform you on what exactly to do. You will be taught how to brush the teeth, which takes place during the bathing process.

Module 1, Lesson 8: Blowing you away  

In lesson 7 you studied the correct bathing technique, but now you are sitting with a wet dog, what now? You will now be educated in various drying methods and techniques to turn your fur baby into a little fluff ball. Accidents do happen and that is why you should always be prepared for any situation. During this lesson, we will also discuss how to react in emergency situations and what steps to follow.

Module 2, Lesson 1: Goodbye hair           

Most industries have a go-to option and so does dog grooming. This lesson is designed to educate you on a basic cut which could be applied to most breeds. This is called the Kennel cut. You will also be shown the different lengths in which this cut can be done. We refer to the summer cut and winter cut. Accidents can occur at any time and you should always be prepared and know what to do if a dog has a medical emergency. Having a fully equipped emergency kit at hand is crucial. You will be guided on what your kit should contain and how to use it.

Module 2, Lesson 2: Call me Scissorhands            

Scissors can sometimes be daunting and dangerous when not used correctly that is why it is important to be aware of scissor safety and the maintenance thereof. I will illustrate the correct method of using various types of scissors and their function by trimming a poodle’s head and a Schnauzer’s legs. All dogs have those "Bad dog" moments and this will be discussed during the lesson as well as how to resolve them.

Module 2, Lesson 3: Shaving time            

The lesson objectives for this lesson is to recap on clipper use and maintenance and I will demonstrate how to shave a dog, big or small. We will touch base on the subject of dog care and converse if it is beneficial to have more than 1 dog?

Module 2, Lesson 4: Healthy Helpings    

We will focus on the nutritional aspect of this course and discuss the value and benefits of dry, wet and raw and home-cooked food diets. CBD oils are beneficial to humans, but can it also benefit dogs? Each breed is different and has different nutritional needs we will discuss this topic. Some dog owners’ battle to get their dogs to eat. We will discover the reason for this.

Module 2, Lesson 5: Perfect Paws            

During this lesson, we will discuss dog paws and everything it entails from paw anatomy, paw injuries, styling and how to cut those dreaded dog’s nails. All this may sound daunting but remain paws-itive. After this lesson, you will be equipped with the knowledge and understanding everything there is to know about paws.

Module 2, Lesson 6: Heads-up  

Today I will teach you how to execute the basics for grooming a dog’s ears, eyes and head. We will also have a look at how to conduct special features of certain breeds’ heads. I will awaken your inner fashionista by demonstrating how to create a stylish topknot.

Module 2, Lesson 7: Bums and tums       

This lesson discusses all there is to know about “be-hind the fluff”. You will be educated on the basic grooming of a dog's tummy, bum and sanitary area. While we are discussing the rear end of a canine it is important to know what healthy and unhealthy dog stool should look like in order to identify if your pet might have underlying health problems.

Module 2, Lesson 8: Fabulous darling     

During this lesson, we will go through the process of time management while grooming and thereafter it is time to get creative. I will introduce you to some tips on how to take the best picture of a dog, especially your own and we will also cover how to create beautiful accessories for dogs. Moving is an overall adjustment, especially for dogs. I will give you some tips on how to make moving with your fur baby a joyful experience.

Module 3, Lesson 1: Terrific terriers        

It is time to advance your basic cutting techniques that you obtained in module 2 to enable you to style according to specific breeds. Module 3 is all about grooming specific breeds and it will be a very practical module. In each lesson, we will discuss a specific dog group and their grooming techniques to enable you to groom multiple breeds.  In this lesson, we will learn how to professionally groom a Scottish Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer and we will classify hand stipping. These are the three main grooming techniques that you need to be comfortable with to be able to groom other Terrier breeds.

Module 3, Lesson 2: Teeny-tiny toys       

During lesson, you will learn all there is to know about the toy group ranging from history, traits to even nutritional aspects. We will examine how to professionally groom a Pomeranian and a Yorkshire Terrier, as well as demonstrate various styles which will complement many different breeds.

Module 3, Lesson 3: Honorable Hounds

In this lesson, we will focus on the hounds' group that dogs are classified into. I will show you the grooming process from brushing, bathing, drying and grooming of a Basset Hound, Dachshund and an Afghan Hound which all falls into the hound dog group. These grooming techniques will enable you to groom multiple breeds and we will also discuss the nutritional aspect that these breeds require.

Module 3, Lesson 4: Wonderful Workers              

In today's lesson, we will discover the Working Group by having a look at their history, traits, common health issues and nutritional needs. I will show you the grooming process from bathing, drying to the grooming of the Giant Schnauzer, Great Pyrenees and the Komondor.

Module 3, Lesson 5: Helping with Herding            

During this lesson, you will discover all there is to know about the Herding Group. I will demonstrate how to professionally groom a Border Collie and a German Shepherd. We will discuss how to groom a Bouvier des Flandres and learn more about this specific breed.

Module 3, Lesson 6: Sport Rules

The Sporting Group comprises some of the most popular breeds, including pointers, setters, retrievers and spaniels. In lesson 6 we will discover the Sporting Group’s history, traits and common health issues. We will discuss the grooming method of various spaniel breeds, the Golden Retriever and the Labrador.

Module 3, Lesson 7: Comforting Companions     

During this lesson, you will explore the Non-sporting Group and be educated on several styles that can be applied to a Poodle. We will also have a look at the grooming methods and techniques of a Chow Chow and Bulldog.

Module 3, Lesson 8: Fashionably Stylish

During this lesson, we will look at interesting new looks in the grooming industry and demonstrate how to create a funky mohawk on your cool canine buddies. I will discuss how to add some fun colors and stenciling to a dog’s coat and we will explore the world of creative grooming. Training a dog forms part of caring for your pet, which is why we will focus on some quick and easy training techniques that could be implemented to result in a happy pup.

Module 4, Lesson 1: Getting down to Business   

Being an entrepreneur can be overwhelming at first, but this lesson will really help you to grasp the very fundamental information that you need to consider when you think about starting your business. Understanding your business type and exactly what your market will be are the two key principles that is covered in this lesson.

Module 4, Lesson 2: More than just the basics    

Moving beyond the basics means that you will obtain new skills related to planning and organizing, selecting a location, and know what steps to take to make your company legal.

Module 4, Lesson 3: Create your business plan   

Time to create a business plan for your new start-up business. In this lesson, we will discuss how to create a business plan step-by-step. We will also have a look at calculating your start-up costs and tools that are available to keep you on track.

Module 4, Lesson 4: Corporate identity 

This lesson is all about teaching you amazing tips and tools to make use of, so your business can have that edge. All tools being illustrated in this lesson are free online-based software, so you can access this from almost anywhere. You will be taught how to create a company logo, an HTML based email signature as well as other corporate identity elements like a poster design.

Module 4, Lesson 5: There is no "I" in the word team      

When it comes to grooming it takes a very specific type of person that will be able to handle the job. You will learn how to identify the perfect personnel for your business and what questions to ask during the interview process. We will discuss the legal paperwork that needs to be in order to protect your staff and your business against legal actions.

Module 4, Lesson 6: Do we need that?  

If your dream is to own your own grooming parlor then this lesson is for you. I will show you exactly what you will need to start your own grooming business from equipment, products, licensing and the cost that goes with that. We will discuss the perfect grooming salon layout to create an effective workflow process.

Module 4, Lesson 7: Get noticed (Part 1)               

No business would succeed without some form of marketing - nobody will know about you if you don't tell them. Once you have your objectives and you know your target market, it's time to create your marketing plan. We will discuss how to create a basic website for your business.

Module 4, Lesson 8: Get noticed (Part 2)               

In your final lesson, we will define what is social media marketing and we will set up some social media platforms together. You will learn how to develop a social media marketing strategy for your start-up business that enables you to post like a pro while focusing your efforts where it matters most - on expanding your business.

Practical Guitar Curriculum:

Key Learning Objectives:
  • How to read music and guitar tabs
  • Jazz improvisation
  • Classical guitar playing
  • Acoustic guitar playing
  • How to write music
Module 1, Lesson 1: The Fundamentals 

This lesson provides a basic understanding of the guitar as an instrument and how to approach it. Students will know the components that make up the guitar (the neck, body, bridge etc.) as well as the various other types of guitars there are out there. We will touch on different types of genres and their different approaches to guitar playing. We will then go through the different sitting and hand positions when playing, introducing frets, names of the strings and how to tune them. Students will be taught the beginnings of music theory - about the staff, clefs, time signatures and lines and spaces.

Module 1, Lesson 2: Reading between the lines 

In this lesson the basics of music theory are introduced as well as the first of note playing. They will also begin with tablature is and types of notes. From this understanding students will then learn how to read open notes as well as notes on the 1st string, after getting a quick review of the sitting and hand positions. End of lesson exercise: Short piece made up of open notes and 1st string notes.

Module 1, Lesson 3: Struck a chord         

In this lesson we start on chords. Students will understand how to read chord blocks and start with two simple open chords, A major and E major. A short exercise will be given to teach easy transitions between the two chords as well as different strumming patterns that can be played. A quick review of the open string and 1st string notes will be done before the students are taught the notes on the 2nd string. We will also be introduced to different types of key signatures in simple time. End of lesson exercise: A piece that incorporates open, 1st and 2nd string notes, as well as a song that uses Amaj and Emaj - Satisfaction by The Rolling Stone

Module 1, Lesson 4: Keep good time      

This lesson will consist of playing exercises. How to use a capo will be introduced in addition to three new chords (C, G, D, Em) as well as a refresher of the chords from the previous lesson (A & E). A quick review of the open string, 1st string and 2nd string notes will be done before the students are taught the notes on the 3rd string. End of lesson exercise: A piece with open, 1st, 2nd and 3rd string notes. Songs that makes use of the four new songs - Perfect by Ed Sheeran & Ho Hey - The Lumineers

Module 1, Lesson 5: Noted         

In this lesson, students will be able to put the chords they recently learned to use with a different set of new fun popular songs. We will then do a little more theory by introducing the sixteenth note and dotted notes. They will then learn the notes on the 3rd and 4th string and be able to play a piece incorporating all of the notes they have learned thus far using a few the new notes learnt.

Module 1, Lesson 6: Accidental Circle of Fifths   

In this lesson we will learn the last few notes on the 5th and 6th strings, enabling you to play all of the notes in 1st position. We will then go through accidentals (sharps and flats), students will be opened up to the Circle of Fifths and key signatures. This will set them up to play a wide range of different pieces in future lessons.

Module 1, Lesson 7: Plead the Seventh 

Students will understand open seventh chords and barre chords on the 6th string and finally learn the F chord in this lesson. Barre chords are a little more challenging than open chords so it might take more practice. In addition, they will play a new exercise which incorporates all notes on the 6 strings and in a key (Gmajor) as well as play a two voices in one piece.

Module 1, Lesson 8: Practice makes perfect        

Students will learn practical skills on how to practice efficiently everyday.

Module 2, Lesson 1: Getting technical    

In this lesson, students will play a piece using three voices which means that the pieces will contain chords as well as a melody. We will also begin with scales. Now that the student is familiar with the Circle of Fifths, this will set them up to succeed with how to approach scales. We will begin with playing the major scale in 4th position - starting with C major - which allows them to play other keys with the same scale structure on the 6th string. We will then move onto barre chords on the 5th string, both major and minor. The scales will set them up nicely for improvisation in the coming module.

Module 2, Lesson 2: Minors are nothing major   

We begin module 2 with a refresher on scales. After reviewing the major scale in 2nd position, we will move onto the major and minor pentatonic scales in 2nd position (6th string). We will move onto the natural minor and harmonic minor scales in 2nd position (6th string). We will then touch on what can be expected with improvisation by playing all three scales over a chord accompaniment.

Module 2, Lesson 3: Keeping with Scales               

In this lesson, students will carry on with major, natural minor scales. They will play pattern two, three for all three scales. As well as a variation of pattern one of the major scale as well as the natural minor scale. Students will then play the scales exercises, which will act as warm up exercises as well as an opportunity to memorizing the different scales patterns.

Module 2, Lesson 4: Getting in the Mode             

Student will go into depth with key signatures, know about intervals; major, minor, augmented and diminished as well as learn more about musical modes.

Module 2, Lesson 5: All Pent-up

In today's lesson you will learn pattern 2 and 3 of harmonic scale, understand major pent and minor pent patterns, major blues and minor scale patterns as well as be able to play these scales over a chord accompaniment.

Module 2, Lesson 6: Progressive chords

By the end of this lesson you understand seventh barre chords and power chords as well as suspended chords. You will also be able to play arpeggios.

Module 2, Lesson 7: Something 'bout the Blues 

In this lesson, we will add a few new skills in improvisation. Students will learn riffs, bends, pull-offs and hammer-ons, and how to use them while improvising. We will also learn power chords and different chord progressions in music theory. Primarily the tonic, subdominant and dominant chords. Students will learn two final skills when improvising, by learning tapping (tr)and triplets and how to use it while improvising. With the understanding of triads, students will know how to play different inversions of chords (first and second inversion).

Module 2, Lesson 8: Something 'bout the Blues 

In the final lesson of module two, students will learn their final scales by being exposed to modes. They will learn Dorian mode, Phrygian mode, Lydian mode, Mixolydian mode, Aeolian mode and Locrian mode. We introduce the blues scales on both the 6th and 5th strings, adding another scale to the students repertoire with which to improvise with. We will then look into the music theory behind chords, by understanding triads and intervals. We will also look into slide notes, a skill that will improve improvising. In addition, we will also explore compound time signatures, opening up more advanced pieces to play.

All necessary course materials are included.

System Requirements:

Internet Connectivity Requirements:

  • Cable, Fiber, DSL, or LEO Satellite (i.e. Starlink) internet with speeds of at least 10mb/sec download and 5mb/sec upload are recommended for the best experience.

NOTE: While cellular hotspots may allow access to our courses, users may experience connectivity issues by trying to access our learning management system.  This is due to the potential high download and upload latency of cellular connections.   Therefore, it is not recommended that students use a cellular hotspot as their primary way of accessing their courses.

Hardware Requirements:

  • CPU: 1 GHz or higher
  • RAM: 4 GB or higher
  • Resolution: 1280 x 720 or higher.  1920x1080 resolution is recommended for the best experience.
  • Speakers / Headphones
  • Microphone for Webinar or Live Online sessions.

Operating System Requirements:

  • Windows 7 or higher.
  • Mac OSX 10 or higher.
  • Latest Chrome OS
  • Latest Linux Distributions

NOTE: While we understand that our courses can be viewed on Android and iPhone devices, we do not recommend the use of these devices for our courses. The size of these devices do not provide a good learning environment for students taking online or live online based courses.

Web Browser Requirements:

  • Latest Google Chrome is recommended for the best experience.
  • Latest Mozilla FireFox
  • Latest Microsoft Edge
  • Latest Apple Safari

Basic Software Requirements (These are recommendations of software to use):

  • Office suite software (Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, or LibreOffice)
  • PDF reader program (Adobe Reader, FoxIt)
  • Courses may require other software that is described in the above course outline.

** The course outlines displayed on this website are subject to change at any time without prior notice. **